
Welcome!  We meet on the first Wednesday of every month to do something awesome

When?  From 10am to 12midday

Where? We normally meet at John Palmer Hall, on Union Road Solihull, and we welcome visitors to come to most of our meetings, we don't charge to try us out. The postcode is B91 3DG, it's only a short walk from Solihull town centre.

We are the only local WI that meets in the morning, so please come along and see for yourself how welcoming we are.

Unless otherwise stated, sessions are women only. Membership runs from April to the following March, but you can join at any time during the year (the cost decreases each quarter for new members).

IT'S NOT JUST JAM AND JERUSALEM - But there is always a cup of tea and a biscuit.

Purpose:  Our mission is to bring the women of Solihull together in sisterhood to make our community a better place through friendship, activities, campaigns and shared skills