Federation Newsletters

Our federation newsletter Cog in the Tree is published monthly as a pdf file - click on the links below to see recent issues. The latest newsletters are interactive, with hyperlinks in the text when viewed from any digital device.

West Midlands WIs and members, we would love to hear from you! Send the Media Team your WI news, photographs, stories, events, and activities at cogmediawmfwi@gmail.com.

Some points to note:

  • Please send submissions by the 10th of the month to ensure inclusion.
  • Individual JPEG pictures are best, as this allows them to be edited and moved more easily.
  • Documents and flyers are difficult to use in PDF format, please send them as a word document.
  • Formatting does not always hold when transferring a document, and sometimes needs to be altered.
  • Please don't be offended if things are altered/moved slightly.
  • We try to be consistent with typeface, and use Georgia 16 for headings, and Arial Narrow 14 for text, please try to stick to these with articles.
  • Large gaps in documents will be filled.

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

October 2022

September 2022

July 2022

June 2022

May 2022

April 2022

March 2022

February 2022

January 2022

December 2021

November 2021

September/October 2021

July 2021

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

Summer 2020